

What is the best material for soup pot

  What is a good material for soup pot
  1、Stainless steel soup pot: boil-resistant soup is light and not suitable for cooking medicine

  Stainless steel pots can also be used to cook soups. Its characteristics are large capacity, resistant to cooking, can be used to cook chicken soup, ribs soup and other soups that need to be boiled for a long time, the soup cooked in this pot is lighter, unlike the soup cooked in a casserole has a sense of the original flavor. Not suitable to use stainless steel pot to cook some of the soup with Chinese herbs, because Chinese medicine contains many alkaloids, the heating process will occur with the stainless steel chemical reaction, affecting the medicinal effect of the soup.

  2, the pressure cooker time is fast, the greater the loss of nutrients

  Pressure cooker can quickly cook the soup in the shortest possible time, the nutrition is not destroyed, that is, save fire and electricity, suitable for cooking texture tough, not easy to cook soft raw materials. But the pressure cooker into the food should not exceed the pot 's highest water level line, so as not to internal pressure is not enough to cook food quickly.

  3, casserole original flavor easy to crack

  Use the casserole to make soup can keep the original flavor. The casserole can withstand high temperatures, withstand the gas for a long time stew, need a small fire slow stew. Casserole can make the soup rich, delicious and do not lose the original nutrients, but poor thermal conductivity, easy to crack. New casserole is best not to use directly, you must go through some processing before you can use again.

  4, casserole pot gas saving suitable for large families

  This kind of pot is suitable for boiling more fiber pork, beef, chicken-type soups, or beans, brown rice and other hard cereal soups. The biggest feature of the crock pot is that the ingredients are put into the inner pot and boiled, then put into the outer pot and left for 1~2 hours to make the ingredients gradually cooked. That can save gas, and can retain the nutrients in the food. When cooking in a crock pot, the food should not be too little, to the full is better.

  5, tile can taste fresh and mellow, time-consuming

  The best effect of making fresh soup simmered in an aged tile pot. Tile pot is made of quartz, feldspar, clay and other raw materials that do not easily transfer heat into the clay after high temperature firing. Its aeration, good adsorption, but also has a uniform heat transfer, slow heat dissipation and other characteristics. When simmering fresh soup, tile cans can be balanced and lasting external heat transfer to the internal raw materials, want to balance the ambient temperature, conducive to the mutual penetration of water molecules and food, the longer this mutual penetration is maintained, the more fresh and fragrant ingredients overflow, simmered soup taste more fresh and mellow
